First steps in grooming a Yorkie

Grooming is one of the important activities to be known well by any Yorkie owner. If the dog owner is not aware of grooming, then the Yorkie may encounter many types of diseases. First steps of grooming consists of activities like maintenance of coat, nails and ears. The maintenance of the coat mainly consists of enrichment measures like proper bathing, combing, drying of skin, and more. The dog need not be bathed daily and this helps to protect the skin’s characteristics like insulation.

Yorkies have soft, silky coats and brushing can really bring out the shine, softness and natural body in your pet Yorkie’s coat!

Use conditioners and shampoos that are meant for Yorkies.  Combing needs to be carried out with a soft brush meant for use in case of dogs. There are varieties of brushes available and depending on the type of breeds, one can use the concerned brush.  Grooming of the coat by a comb needs to be carried out daily and the fallen hair if any needs to be placed in dust bin always.

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Use a sharp clipper designed for use in case of dogs. It is better to have the Yorkie on the raised place and hence, the control of the dog is easier. Ear canals are to be checked up frequently and sterile cotton may be used for cleaning purposes. Grooming associated guidelines need to be followed strictly by the Yorkie owners.

Nail-maintenance is one of the first steps of grooming activities. Live nail areas can be easily clipped away and are always light colored than the reddish area of the nail in the higher position. During the holding of your Yorkie’s feet by you, always have a firm grip. If not, the dog will take an upper hand during the clipping and some injury may occur.

Don’t clip too much because this may lead to injuries of the nail. Similarly, you need to carry all the materials required for the clipping with you before the start of the procedure.

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