Bathing a Yorkie Terrier

Bathing a Yorkie needs to be given more emphasis. Yorkies need regular baths to remove dirt and natural oils from their hair. This is because of the fact that if you are careless in bathing, the dog may end up having some infections. For example, if you don’t close the ears with large cotton ball, the water may enter into ear canals and may cause some ear infections with signs like constant discharge from the ears and shaking of head.

You should bathe your Yorkie once every two to four weeks. If dog has a longer Yorkie haircut, you may find additional baths are necessary

Take more care in avoiding some irritant soaps or human soaps. The soap materials used for human beings are not suitable for Yorkies. Similarly, many human shampoo products are having some ingredients that are not suitable in the proportions that are to be used in case of Yorkies. Hence, always try to use the shampoo products that are mentioned mainly for use of dogs or Yorkies.

  • How often should a Yorkie be bathed?
  • What are the proper bathing techniques for Yorkies?
  • How do you bathe a Yorkie?
Take more care in using any new product.  Always have good time and patience for products required for bathing in one place with availability of water source.  Have everything in one place and then start bathing the Yorkie. Try to have a leash, conditioner, towel, and shampoo in the bath place.
Conditioner is of helpful to make the combing activity easier later. Bathing should be a convenient activity to both the Yorkie and the owner. This should not be a burden.
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