Featured dog of the month: Canelo

My name is Canelo
My date of birth is August 27, 2018
I am a Yorkie
You can call me Nello
My mom picked my name. She named me after the boxer Canelo Álvarez. I can do tricks by looking at different hand gestures. I’ve never eaten anything that was considered too strange. I love to be scratched behind the ears

My favorite toy is a squeaky ball or a clean pair of socks. I would eat mangos or shish kabobs as if my life depended on it. I’m afraid of vacuums and mops.

One word I always hear from my parents is “treats”
My best friend is Riley. You can find me at Lake Baldwin Dog Park or Brookdale Dog Park. I share a home with both of my parents.

Naughtiest thing I’ve ever done was jump onto the kitchen table and lick frosting off the side of a cake
I was born in New Jersey
Most embarrassing moment is when I farted in front of my family while I was rushing to use the bathroom

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