How to Help an Adult Yorkie Adjust to a New Home?

Appropriate an adjustment period – A healthy adult Yorkie will have no problem adjusting to a new environment. Although, of course, you should expect an adjustment period before your new Yorkie becomes very comfortable with his new surroundings and family.

The new dog adjusts more easily if the change is done early in the day, since all dogs feel more insecure at night. Everything should be ready for the new dog in the home

He has had rough beginnings, which you should understand, will affect your future relationships. You should then be very careful of the first impressions you give him.

Be very patient – Even well-trained dogs can commit accidents and mistakes in new environments. It is very possible for them to forget their training while in the shelter because there is simply not enough personnel to attend to their needs. You should prepare yourself for remedial house training.
Clarify your house rules – Your new Yorkie cannot guess which behavior is
appropriate at your house and which are not.

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  • How to Help an Adult Yorkie Adjust to a New Home?

It will take some time before he fully understands that some behaviors that he used to have are no longer applicable and that new behaviors are needed to be formed.
Include your family in the training of your newly adopted Yorkie – It is very
important to have common rules for handling the dog. Otherwise, your Yorkie will be confused and problems could arise.

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