How do you know if you’re ready for a second dog?

Does your current dog need time to adjust or will he be okay with having a new sibling overnight? These are questions many people ask when considering adding a new member to their family. There’s no one-size-fits all answer, but there are some good guidelines and suggestions that most experts agree on:

Is it okay to bring home another pup right away?

Don’t adopt or buy/rescue a second (or third) dog until you have been through at least one obedience class with your first dog. You should also spend several weeks just walking your first dog before bringing another into the fold. This way, both dogs get plenty of exercise and have a chance to bond with you. Your new dog will also learn the rules of your house, including where she is and isn’t allowed.

No matter how well-behaved your current pup, they may get excited when you’re greeted at the door by a new animal. Do not just dump them together and expect everything to work out fine. Instead, gradually introduce both dogs through a series of controlled meetings that allow each dog time to adjust to the other’s presence without feeling threatened or overwhelmed. You can do this with baby gates or crates; make sure they can see, hear and smell one another while having their own space. If necessary, hire professional trainers or behaviorists for help if things don’t go smoothly.

It’s also important to consider what kind of breed each new adoptee has. It can also be difficult for two strong-minded dogs to live together. If your first dog has any behavior problems that could affect the other pet or people in your house, don’t bring another animal into the mix until they’ve been addressed and resolved. That includes things such as separation anxiety, food aggression or leash reactivity. In fact, many rescues won’t place a second dog with an owner unless their first pup gets through at least eight weeks of obedience training first!

The Complete Guide to Yorkshire Terriers: Learn Everything about How to Find, Train, Raise, Feed, Groom, and Love your new Yorkie Puppy

The Complete Guide to Yorkshire Terriers: Learn Everything about How to Find, Train, Raise, Feed, Groom, and Love your new Yorkie Puppy

Covering all the Yorkie-specific topics you NEED TO KNOW, such as:

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The Ultimate Yorkie Dog Manual will answer all the questions you may have when considering sharing your home with this cute and cuddly intelligent breed. Learn everything there is to know, including little known facts and secrets, and how to care for every aspect of the Yorkie's life. 

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Is it better to have 2 dogs of the same breed?

Be careful when adding two dogs of the same breed to your home, especially if you adopted your pup without doing any research beforehand. Though many owners believe their particular breed won’t be bothered by another dog in the house, they may be wrong. Your first dog’s personality will likely affect how well your new addition fares in the long run.

Wherever possible, try to get your second dog from the same breeder or rescue organization as your first. If that’s not possible, always meet the parents of any pup you adopt and watch how they interact with both dogs and humans; it will tell you a lot about their temperament.

Do dogs like having a second dog?

Many dogs do fine with another animal in the house once they adjust, but others never take to it. These are often high-strung breeds (such as terriers) who were orphaned at an early age. To be safe, don’t bring home a second dog until you’re sure your current one is 100% ready to accept another living being!

Of course, none of this is to say that a second dog is impossible for you to have. Many owners do just fine with a pair of dogs at home. It’s important, however, to be very well-informed about the challenges ahead and prepared to spend as much time training as many dogs as you now have!

It generally takes several months after adopting a new pet before he completely settles in at home and gets used to your routines and schedule. In the meantime, it can be pretty chaotic around here – which isn’t exactly fair to any of us. 


We hope this helps those who are thinking about becoming a multidog family!

Yorkshire Terriers For Dummies

Yorkshire Terriers For Dummies

This guide gives you the straight facts on everything you need to know about the health and well being of your Yorkie, featuring expert guidance in:

  • Finding the right Yorkie for you
  • Preparing your home for the new arrival
  • Managing nutrition and health
  • Exercising and entertaining your Yorkie
  • Handling behavioral problems
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MENTAL EXERCISE FOR DOGS: The 101 best dog games for more agility, intelligence & fun

Then this book will give you exactly the right ideas!Spending an exciting and fun time with your own dog is very easy! You don't need any special accessories or in-depth training experience. No matter if you have a small or a big dog, no matter what breed it is: We certainly have the right game for every dog! So, join in the fun with your four-legged friend and strengthen your bond with it even more!

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