It’s a NEW month, which means it’s time to meet another Dog of the Month!

Dogs Name: Zeus
When is your birthday: 03/24/19
Breed: Yorkshire terrier
Nicknames: Zeusy
Who named you? Both my parents on the way to get me
How did they choose your name? Although I am the runt of my litter, they wanted to name me Zeus because I have a big personality.
What special talent do you have? Fetch champion
Strangest thing you have eaten: Venison
Favorite place to be scratched: my head
Favorite Toy: my ball
If you could eat any human food what would it be: chicken!!
What are you most afraid of: other big dogs
What is the one word you hear most from your parent: Zeus
My best friend is: Ellie
You can see me at this dog park: Ellison dog park
Who shares a house with you: My mom and dad
Naughtiest Thing I have ever done: jumped on the kitchen table while my parents were working and chewed all the mail, ate a birthday cake and was too scared to jump down so I stayed there till they got home.
Where I came from: dans kennels
What is your most embarrassing moment? having an accident in front of a kid I was afraid of

Where can the YorkieShoutOut community connect with you?

You can connect with me on Instagram @zeustheyorkieee!