Featured Dog of the Month: Vera & Esther

Dogs Name: Vera & Esther
When is your birthday: 3/10-2012 & 1/12-2013
Breed: Yorkshire terrier
Nicknames: The heart
Who named you? Mom
How did they choose your name? After grand grandma
What special talent do you have? Vera high jumps and Esther bark om command
Strangest thing you have eaten: bugs
Favorite place to be scratched: both on the belly
Favorite Toy: Veras a Fabric ball and Esther a squeeky little thing
If you could eat any human food what would it be: candy 🍭
What are you most afraid of: Vera fireworks and Esther flies 🦟

What is the one word you hear most from your parent: darling
My best friend is: my sister
You can see me at this dog park: our yard, we live in the countryside ( there is no dogparks here)
Who shares a house with you: mom and Dad
Naughtiest Thing I have ever done: poop inside the house ( both)
Where I came from: Stockholm Sweden, a breeder.
What is your most embarrassing moment? Vera gets really scared of her own farts😂 and hides….Esther panics when there’s a fly in the room, she also hides, usually on the top floor under a bed.

Where can the YorkieShoutOut community connect with you?

You can connect with me on Instagram @yorkisisters