Featured Dog of the Month: Rachel

Dogs Name: Rachel
When is your birthday: 12/3/19
Breed: Yorkie
Nicknames: Rachel Lynn
Who named you? My Mom
How did they choose your name? From the TV show, Friends
What special talent do you have? I can jump high

Strangest thing you have eaten: Probiotics
Favorite place to be scratched: Behind my ear
Favorite Toy: Wishbone nylabone
If you could eat any human food what would it be: Potato chips
What are you most afraid of: Strangers coming in my house
What is the one word you hear most from your parent: Eat!
My best friend is: Ross, my big brother
You can see me at this dog park: Jack Fischer Park
Who shares a house with you: I live with my Mom and my brother, Ross
Naughtiest Thing I have ever done: Chewed up toilet paper to shreds
Where I came from: The Bay Area, CA
What is your most embarrassing moment? I don’t get embarrassed easily. 😂

Where can the YorkieShoutOut community connect with you?

You can connect with me on Instagram @rossandrachelyorkies