Can my Yorkie Terrier be Allergic to Flea Bites?
Yes, many dogs are allergic to fleas. In fact, FAD is the most common skin disease in dogs in the U.S. Flea allergies often spike in the summer, and pets that have seasonal allergies are more likely to have an allergic reaction to fleabites.
Many Yorkies will not lie down or sleep comfortably due to the constant bites by the fleas.
Among the heart worm, fleas and other parasites, the fleas produce the hyper sensitive reactions in the affected dog. Hence, a dog infested with fleas start severely scratching of body. Many times, the scratching is so severe and the skin becomes more inflamed and dermatitis occurs in the affected areas.
When a flea bites your dog to draw blood, it injects saliva into your pet’s skin. Flea saliva is irritating to most animals, including humans. But the compounds in it can trigger an allergic reaction in some pets.
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Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) is a leading cause of allergic reactions in dogs. It is an allergic reaction, the body’s immune system overreacts or is hypersensitive to a substance (called an antigen) that is normally harmless. FAD is a common cause of itching in dogs.
Many Yorkies will not lie down or sleep comfortably due to the constant bites by the fleas.
Hence, dogs look as if affected by some severe skin disease. Close observation of the dog is highly essential to rule out the occurrence of fleas disturbing the dog to a greater extent.
As well as using a fast-acting, effective flea control to minimize flea bites you should also talk to your vet about FAD management.
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