Can a Yorkie Terrier be Overweight?
According to the many veterinary surveys, over half our nation’s dogs are overweight. How can you slim down your super-sized Yorkie, keep them fit and reduce their risk of developing many serious diseases? The answer may be easier than you think.
You want your furry friend to eat right. You are very aware of the numerous benefits of a healthy and nutritious dog diet, but where can you find the best food for your pet?
Many excellent types of dog food are out on the market today. You can purchase bags or cans of dog food simply and conveniently from your local grocery or pet store. Store chains are now beginning to offer varieties of dog food that are higher in quality and lower in cost. Your veterinarian can consult with you about the best types of dog diets. He or she may sell specific brands or varieties right from their office. A trusted vet would not offer you food that is not suitable for your dog’s diet, so this may be a great place to start. If the vet recommends a particular type of diet for your dog, due to health reasons, your vet may be one of the only places to find the exact food your dog’s diet requires.
- What foods are toxic to Yorkies?
- Can a Yorkshire Terrier Be Overweight?
- How Much Food Should a Yorkie Eat Per Day?
Your dog’s diet must be well balanced and nutritious to support good health and optimal body function. A healthy diet should allow your pet to thrive and not simply survive. Amino acids are also key to your dog’s health. Only 12 of the 22 essential amino acids can be produced by your dog’s body.
The other 10 amino acids must be provided to your pet through your dog’s diet. Talk to a professional about the advantages and disadvantages of feeding a vegetarian dog diet to your pet.
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