Benefits of a rehomed Adult Yorkie
Adult dogs, on the other hand, are much easier to keep. They have outgrown the high energy craziness of puppies and they already know what are demanded of them. When adopting from a shelter or any rescue organizations, it is always advisable to go for the adult dogs, not the pups. Because adult dogs’ behavior are already ‘fixed’ to make them suitable for domestic environments.
Adult dogs are trained – Most adult dogs in shelters are trained. They are
housebroken and potty trained. Although there is always the possibility of bad behavior due to the history of ownership the dogs have. Some dogs were abused and maltreated before they were fostered by rescue groups. Be sure to ask about the dog’s history before adopting it.
- How can I rehome my dog?
- Is it cruel to rehome a dog?
- How do you know if it’s okay to rehome your dog?
Lesser medical expenses – Adult dogs in shelters, on top of having received
some training, have also received necessary medical attention. More often than not, they are already neutered or spayed, saving you a lot of money on surgical operations. They are also vaccinated. You can save further when you choose a dog that comes with a clean bill of health.
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