Canelo is our Featured Dog of the Month

Dogs Name: Canelo
When is your birthday: August 27, 2018
Breed: Yorkshire terrier
Nicknames: You can call me Nello
Who named you? Mom
How did they choose your name? She named me after the boxer Canelo Álvarez
What special talent do you have? I can do tricks by looking at different hand gestures
Favorite place to be scratched: I love to be scratched behind the ears
Favorite Toy: My favorite toy is a squeaky ball or a clean pair of socks
If you could eat any human food what would it be: I would eat mangos or shish kabobs as if my life depended on it

What is the one word you hear most from your parent: “treats”
Naughtiest Thing I have ever done: Naughtiest thing I’ve ever done was jump onto the kitchen table and lick frosting off the side of a cake
What is your most embarrassing moment? Most embarrassing moment is when i farted in front of my family while I was rushing to use the bathroom

Where can the YorkieShoutOut community connect with you?

You can connect with me on Instagram @melocanelo