25 Yorkshire Terrier Secrets You Need To Know About
The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most beloved and popular breeds of dogs today. These diminutive little dogs have big personalities, making them a favorite of many dog owners. Whether you’re looking for a new companion or just want to find out more about this breed, here are 25 secrets about the Yorkshire Terrier that you need to know before taking on one as your own pet.
- Yorkshire Terriers are an Ancient Breed – The Yorkie’s roots go back to 19th century Scotland and England where they were used to catch rats in clothing mills and mines.
- Yorkshire Terriers Are Not Hypoallergenic – Contrary to popular belief, the Yorkie is not hypoallergenic and may cause allergies in people who are sensitive to dander or fur.
- Yorkshire Terriers Have Long Lifespans – With proper care, a healthy Yorkie can live up to 15 years or more!
- Yorkshire Terriers Are Adaptable – Yorkies are very adaptable and can thrive in both small apartments and larger homes with yards as long as they get plenty of exercise and attention from their owners.
- Yorkshire Terriers Need Lots of Grooming – Due to their long coats, these dogs require frequent grooming which includes brushing their hair two times per week at minimum, as well as regular baths and trimming by professional groomers every 6-8 weeks (or more often if necessary).
- Yorkshire Terriers Love Attention – These active little dogs love attention from their owners, so be prepared to spoil them with lots of cuddles when you bring home your new pup!
- Yorkshire Terriers Can Be Stubborn – Yorkies can be quite stubborn when it comes to training due to their independent nature but they can be taught basic obedience commands with patience and consistency.
- Yorkshire Terriers Like Toys – Like most other breeds, Yorkies enjoy playing with toys such as balls, frisbees, ropes and chew toys which help keep them entertained while also helping strengthen their jaws and teeth!
- Early Training Is Important – Starting training at an early age is important for these intelligent dogs so that they learn how to behave properly around people and other animals (especially cats!).
- Socialization Is Key – It’s also important to socialize your Yorkie from an early age so that he/she will get along with other animals in your home or neighborhood without any issues down the line!
- Their Barking Is Loud – Despite their small size, these dogs have surprisingly loud barks that can easily fill a room!
- Yorkshire Terriers Love Food – Like all other breeds, Yorkies love food which means you will need to keep an eye on how much they eat else they may become overweight over time!
- Yorkshire Terriers Shed Little Hair – Although they do shed some hair during shedding season (spring), it’s usually not enough for it be noticeable unless you look really closely at the floor after vacuuming up any excess furballs left behind by your pup!
- Yorkshire Terriers Have Big Appetites – These tiny pups have big appetites despite their size which means that you should feed them twice a day rather than once in order for them to get all the nutrients they need without overeating!
- Yorkshire Terriers Can Live Indoors Or Outdoors – Although they prefer living indoors because it keeps them close to their owners, these hardy little guys can live outdoors just fine too as long as there is shelter available such as a doghouse or garage for when temperatures drop below freezing point during wintertime months!
- Yorkshire Terriers Are Good With Kids And Other Pets – While some breeds may not do well with kids or other pets due to aggression issues, Yorkies typically get along great with both children and other animals making them a good choice if you have multiple pets or young kids in the house already!
- Their Exercise Needs Are Moderate – Unlike most other breeds who need lots of physical activity each day in order stay healthy (and happy!), Yorkshire Terriers only require moderate amounts of exercise depending on their age; puppies need more than adults since they’re still growing into adulthood while older adults may require less than younger ones due health concerns such as arthritis or joint pain etc
- Yorkshire Terriers Make Great Watchdogs– Despite being small in stature, these brave little pups make excellent watchdogs thanks to their alertness towards unfamiliar sounds/people; however don’t expect them to actually protect your home if there is any real danger present since they lack sufficient muscle mass needed for doing so effectively (although barking definitely helps scare away potential intruders!).
- Yorkshire Terriers Don’t Require Much Space– As mentioned earlier these pint-sized pooches don’t require much space which makes them great house companions even if you live in an apartment since all they really need is a comfortable place where they can sleep during nighttimes hours while being let outside during daytime hours for potty breaks/exercise .
- Their Health Costs Can Add Up Quickly– While most purebreds tend to come with some health issues due hereditary factors etc… Yorkshires especially tend towards dental problems such skin allergies etc…which means regular vet visits/costly treatments might be necessary depending on what kind of health condition(s) your pup has been diagnosed with over time; so make sure budget accordingly before bringing one home otherwise it could end up costing you quite bit extra money down the line unexpectedly
- Yorkshire Terriers Come In A Variety Of Colors– This breed comes various colors ranging from black & tan/blue & gold/silver & gray etc…so chances are good that whatever color combination strikes your fancy there will likely be one out there somewhere waiting just for you 🙂
- Their Nails Must Be Trimmed Regularly– As part of routine grooming regimen it’s important make sure trim your pup’s nails regularly otherwise those sharp claws could end up scratching up furniture/carpeting etc…not mention potentially causing injury someone else if accidently nicked while playing together too roughly 😉
- Their Ears Require Cleaning Too– Just like humans ears accumulate dirt/debris overtime so too do those furry flaps on top head; so make sure include ear cleaning part weekly grooming routine too then everything stays nice clean 😀
- No One Knows Where Name Came From– Even though this breed has been around since 1800s experts still aren’t sure exactly origin its name came from though some speculate was derived either Scottish word “Yorkshire” referring area where first specimens were bred others suggest name “York” refers English county North Riding same area first specimens were bred 😉
- The Breed Was Originally Called The Broken Haired Scotch Terrier– Believe it not this popular breed originally called Broken Haired Scotch