10 Tips to Stop your Yorkshire Terrier Dog From Being Reactive on Leash

If you have a yorkie terrier, you may have noticed that your dog can be reactive on leash. This can be frustrating and even dangerous, since it can lead to your dog lunging at other dogs or people. But don’t worry – there are ways to help your yorkie overcome this reactivity.

Leash reactivity in Yorkshire Terriers isn’t just a challenge—it’s an obstacle course in every neighborhood stroll.

With a handful of practical strategies and a dash of patience, you can transform those tense outings into enjoyable adventures where your Yorkie struts their stuff with confidence and composure.

Here are 10 tips:

1. Start with short walks in low-traffic areas. This will help your yorkie get used to being on a leash without getting overwhelmed.

2. If you see another dog while out walking, make sure to keep your yorkie calm and under control. Avoid letting your dog get too close to the other animal – this could trigger a reaction.

3. Be consistent with your commands. If you tell your yorkie to “sit” or “stay,” make sure you follow through each time. This will help your dog understand what you expect from him.

4. Use positive reinforcement. Whenever your yorkie responds well to a command or behaves calmly around other dogs, be sure to give him plenty of praise and treats. This will help him associate good behavior with rewards.

5. Avoid punishment. Yelling at or hitting your yorkie will only make the problem worse. Instead, focus on rewarding good behavior as described in tip #4.

6. Get professional help. If you’re struggling to stop your yorkie’s reactivity, it may be best to seek out the help of a professional trainer or behaviorist. They can assess the situation and create a customized plan to help your yorkie overcome his reactivity.

7. Be patient. It will likely take some time for your yorkie to overcome his reactivity. Avoid putting too much pressure on him – just take things one day at a time and be consistent with your training.

8. Stay calm yourself. Dogs are very good at picking up on their owner’s emotions. If you’re feeling frustrated or angry, your yorkie will sense this and it may make the situation worse. So try to stay calm and positive throughout the training process.

9. Keep up with socialization. It’s important to continue socializing your yorkie even after he’s overcome his reactivity. This will help him stay comfortable around other dogs and people and reduce the risk of regression.

10. Have realistic expectations. Remember that some dogs are simply more prone to reactivity than others. If your yorkie is one of these dogs, it’s important to manage his environment carefully and be prepared for potential reactions. 

But with patience and consistency, you can help your yorkie lead a happy and healthy life.

Consider Professional Help:

  1. Research Qualified Trainers/Behaviorists: Look for certified trainers or behaviorists experienced in dealing with leash reactivity, especially with small breeds like Yorkies.

  2. Schedule Consultations: Contact potential trainers/behaviorists for consultations. Discuss your Yorkie’s specific issues, your goals, and their approach to training.

  3. Observe Their Methods: During consultations or initial sessions, observe how the professional interacts with your Yorkie and assess if their methods align with your dog’s needs and your training philosophy.

  4. Follow Their Guidance Consistently: If you choose to work with a professional, follow their training plan diligently. Be consistent with their recommendations and integrate their techniques into your daily routine.

  5. Monitor Progress: Regularly assess your Yorkie’s progress with the trainer/behaviorist. If you’re not seeing improvement or if new issues arise, communicate openly to adjust the training approach.

By following these specific steps, you can ensure consistency in commands with your Yorkie and make an informed decision when seeking professional help for leash reactivity.

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